Do I need an App?

Increasingly our customers are asking us to develop bespoke App’s to assist them with their day to day operations and also to link members of their mobile workforce seamlessly with both each other and head office.
Doesn’t my business just need a mobile friendly website?
Whilst mobile friendly websites are a good place to start, overwhelmingly customers prefer the experience associated with a native mobile App. Data from as early as 2014 shows that over 86 per cent of time spent browsing on mobile devices was spent in native Apps.
Rather than repackage existing content our Apps redefine functionality, navigation and content to produce measurably different results for our clients.
Our Apps engage with both end users and staff through push notifications and integration with device and platform capabilities not available on standard display only websites or systems.
What Next?
If you are thinking of developing an App for your business, would like to discuss an idea or are just looking for general guidance then don’t hesitate to give us a call for a chat or no obligation quote.
Tel: 03300 88 3946